
SyncCluster provides high levels of disaster recovery, fault tolerance and service availability. Solves the problems of power outages, fire, natural disasters, human error, data centre investigations, etc.
For organizations facing specific challenges of high disaster tolerance, resiliency and service availability, Cloud4Y offers an efficient solution - SyncCluster with 99.99% SLA. 
SyncCluster combines a cluster-based array with synchronous mirroring.

Cloud constructor

  • CPU numbers, CPU
    • 1
    • 32
    • 64
    • 96
    • 128
    • 160
    • 192
    • 224
    • 256
  • Access memory, GB
    • 1
    • 64
    • 128
    • 192
    • 256
    • 320
    • 384
    • 448
    • 512
  • Hard drive space, GB
    • 20
    • 2000
    • 4000
    • 6000
    • 8000
    • 10000
    AllFlash storage SSD, redundant controllers. Guarantee SLA for this volume: 10 IOPS per 1 GB
  • Speed (channel Dedicated), Mbit
    • 10
    • 20
    • 40
    • 60
    • 80
    • 100
    • 120
    • 200
  • Count of IPs, Pcs.
    • 1
    • 10
    • 20
    • 30
    • 40
    • 50
  • Additional services


/ Hour
/ Day
/ Month


/ Hour
/ Day
/ Month

In Moscow, we implemented a storage system in which one half is located in a Tier3 data centre, and the other half is 10 km away in another Tier3 data centre, and both sides work synchronously as a single structure. In case of any failure in one of the data centres (power failure, failure of any part of the storage system, failure of controllers, disks, communication channels between the data centres) your data will remain available (RPO i=0, RTO ii=10 minutes), i.e. not a single transaction is lost. SyncCluster от Cloud4Y — это экономически эффективное решение, которое обеспечивает постоянную доступность сервисов и данных для компаний, непрерывность бизнеса в которых является критичной. Мы предлагаем SyncCluster в формате услуги с помесячной оплатой, это позволит нашим клиентам воспользоваться данной услугой без капитальных затрат на покупку оборудования и его техническое содержание.

Resolved problems:

  • power failure;
  • fire:
  • natural disasters;
  • human errors;
  • пinvestigation activities in the data centre.
i RPO (recovery point objective) — acceptable data loss.
ii RTO (recovery time objective) — acceptable recovery time.


Service Cost synccluster formed the basis of the required resources to the coefficients.
Name of resource Price included machine Price off machines
CPU time 1CPU (2.53GHz) 1,00 per hour / 720 per month 0,00 hour
RAM GB 0.0005 per megabyte per hour / 369 per month 0.00 megabyte per hour
Disk Space LOW 0,009 per gigabyte per hour / 6 per month 0,009 per gigabyte per hour
Disk Space SAS MEDIUM 0,013 per gigabyte per hour / 9 per month 0,013 per gigabyte per hour
Disk Space SAS HIGH 0,028 per gigabyte per hour / 20 per month 0,028 per gigabyte per hour
Disk Space SSD 0,09863 per gigabyte per hour / 71 per month 0,09863 per gigabyte per hour
IP адрес 0,124 per hour / 89 per month 0,124 per hour
Channel Shared 0,04931 per megabit per hour /36 per month 0,00 per megabit per hour
Channel Dedicated 0,4795 per megabit per hour / 345 per month 0,4795 per megabit per hour
Space for backup 0,007 per gigabyte per hour / 5 per month 0,007 per gigabyte per hour


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. How does this service work?
SyncCluster is a disaster-resilient solution based on the operation of two data centres, in activ-activ mode.

2. Is the replication to the second Data Center automatic?
Yes, you setup it once and then everything runs automatically.

3. How often is the data replicated?
Constantly, all changes are recording.

4. Is it more expensive than a conventional cloud?
Yes, its twice as expensive on average.

5. If one Data Center is unavailable, can we just continue working on the second one and won't notice this failure?
Yes, you will continue working if activ-activ mode was configured.

6. Is the data being written to two datacenter at the same time?
Data is written to one data centre and then replicated to the other.

7. How much higher is the security with this service?
The basic SLA under the contract is 99.99%. This is much higher than many cloud providers offer.

You can find answers to your questions in our Knowledge Base. If you can't find an answer to your question, ask our consultants using the online chat or send a request using the support ticket system

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