Cloud-based education standards

There was a time when to use different files (text, tabular, graphic) on different computers was necessary save them to a flash drive or CD-ROM. USB flash drive or disk then traveled together with you to enable you to upload information to other computers. Now everything is different: the security, stability and ease of use of cloud computing in education led to widespread cloud adoption in educational institutions of all types and sizes.

We Cloud4Y have identified the main advantages of cloud in education and science:

• No need for external drives. Flack lost or scratched disc is no longer a problem.

• Easy access! Lesson plans, laboratory tests, notes, PowerPoint slides – all digital data can be easily downloaded and accessed at any time.

• Collaboration: work on assignments with other teachers? You can share some or all of your files saved in the cloud. Just send a link to the desired document.

• Traceability: made changes to a lesson and want to change it back? No problem. Cloud computing allows you to save multiple revisions and versions of a document to be able to chronologically trace its evolution.

• Collaboration: You can create student groups to work on projects and assignments in the cloud.

• Farewell to the copier. With cloud computing the need for reproduction of documents is greatly reduced – especially if each student has their own smart device (computer, laptop, tablet, etc.).

• Farewell, filing! With cloud computing there is no need to save files in digital and paper format. Regular backups minimizes the risk of information loss. The archives takes no more Desk space for students.

• Time savings. Staff and teachers can use time that was previously spent on printing, reproduction and distribution of documents, on more educationally-oriented activity.

• Streamlining workflow: workflow can be tracked using various analytical tools to see how often files are viewing files, the busiest times of day and days of the week, etc.
The rejection of the paper

In the early 1980-ies of F. W. Lancaster predicted a paperless society. While this stage is not achieved and unlikely to be achieved in the near future. However, there are times when the transition to digital media makes sense. If an educational institution provided with information technology infrastructure (wired and/or wireless), then it is easy to implement cloud computing. In education the benefits of cloud computing far outweigh the disadvantages, at least from an administrative point of view.

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