Cloud4Y will provide IaaS for the company service is number one in Russia for the purchase of used cars. Analysis of the data you sell a car is right on the website, the client needs only to register for a free diagnosis, after which the company is ready to immediately transfer the payment amount to the customer's account.
Moving the infrastructure to the cloud will allow the company to increase the efficiency of the service through the application of best technological practices, and to reduce the risk of losing information. In addition, with the use of Iaas is the process of bringing the infrastructure in line with the requirements of law (152-FZ) is greatly simplified, because the greatest amount of work falls on Cloud4Y. Eliminates the need for the organization to certify its own information structure, there is no cost for building and possession of a secure it infrastructure and legal liability.
Remember that when storing data in the cloud, according to article 9 of 152-FZ On personal data, the consent from each subject on the storage and transmission of personal information. Offering the service of hosting personal Data, Cloud4Y assumes responsibility for the organization of technical means of data protection.
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