How Cloud4Y transferred to the cloud the infrastructure of

"United mediatechnologies", a well – known aggregator and distributor of content on the Internet and mobile environment, a developer of Internet solutions and service provider. The company is engaged in the licensing of musical audio and video content, as well as the distribution partner Internet sites.

The initial desire of the company was the purchase of own equipment for further installation in an office or in a data center. According to the results of consultations with specialists Cloud4Y it was decided to consider cloud services, because at the time of the decision in appreciation of the currency by more than twice, purchase their own equipment was not the most rational investment. In addition, this approach provides for a lump sum payment instead of monthly payments, as when using cloud services.

Having made the decision to use "the cloud", the specialists of the company, along with products Cloud4Y, was also considered Microsoft offerings (Microsoft Azure). Specialists Cloud4Y provided the client with the results of the survey, according to which in the list of competitive advantages of products and services Cloud4Y before Microsoft products are the following indicators:

  • Qualified technical support 24/7
  • Significant mobility,
  • Convenience – connection of additional resources is carried out independently by the client.

In addition, among potential cloud providers was the company SoftLine, which was ready to provide similar services at a more affordable price. The decisive factor in the decision was the fact that cloud computing is the main activity Cloud4Y, unlike many other companies.

The result of lengthy negotiations was the signing of the contract and full migration of company infrastructure to the cloud.

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