"Tula settlement center" handles the customer data in the cloud Cloud4Y
The Bank was established in 2001 at the initiative of enterprises of the defense complex and of the Council of the city of Tula and before 2014 has been solving financial and economic problems, primarily related to ensuring current liquidity of enterprises, the timeliness of payments to contractors, budget and extra-budgetary funds, repayment of receivables and payables, implementation of the program of optimization of financial flows. 2015 KB "Tula settlement center" received the status of a regional Bank, which specializiruetsya on reception of payments of physical persons and providing customers with a wide range of banking services.
The product "Cloud of FZ-152" from Cloud4Y allowed the Bank to store and process the personal data of the clients in a completely isolated environment. Personal information is protected by certified FSTEC Russia of protection from unauthorized access. Data that is transmitted via communication channels from the Bank terminal to the network interface of the virtual machine are encrypted using a certified FSB of Russia of means of cryptographic protection of information (CIPF), said the company.
According to General Director Cloud4Y Nikolai Fokin, FZ-152 was the catalyst for the market of cloud technologies. At the moment there is a surge of interest in the organization's cloud infrastructure for FZ-152 from organizations from many industries, and the trend for both large and medium-sized businesses. "If earlier the enterprises of the financial sector wary of cloud technologies, today they are increasingly turning towards the "cloud" thanks to its security, scalability, and achieved through him of money," he said.
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