White Paper - Personal Data Protection in Russia

In January 2022, Cloud4Y updated White Paper – a document that covers all aspects of working with personal data, including the legal basis, the principle of building a data protection system, and other points to be considered.
The document includes the changes adopted in 2021:
Amendments to 152-FZ "On Personal Data Processing", which came into force on March 1, 2021, in terms of processing publicly available data and distribution of personal data to an unlimited number of persons, adopted by the law № 519-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law 152-FZ"
Methodological document of FSTEC of Russia "Information Security Threat Assessment Methodology" from February 5, 2021
Changes in 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technology and Information Security" that entered into force on February 1, 2021, regarding processing and distribution of information in social networks
Changes in penalties in the Code of Administrative Offences, imposing tougher fines for violations of Federal Law 152-FZ "On Personal Data Processing"
Our White Paper aimed at foreign companies with Russian offices or with companies that target Russian individuals, for example, via Russian language websites
One of the main objectives of this book is to provide an understanding of the legislation in the field of personal data, to describe the process of adjusting the information system of personal data to the requirements of the law.
This book will draw you closer to achieving these goals and help to minimize the risks of penalties from regulatory authorities as well as avoid other negative consequences associated with a violation of the rights of personal data subjects.
The White Paper is recommended for anyone who works with personal data:
The management of organizations – for all decision-makers;
Managers and employees of IT services – for all those who maintain the work of IT infrastructure;
HR specialists – for those who work with personal data of employees;
Newcomers to the profession and those who want to engage in a career in information security.
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